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Crossword Puzzles

The Clueless Crossword Puzzle - can you solve it?

All 26 letters of the alphabet are used in the crossword Puzzle below.
Each letter is associated with a specific number from 1 to 26. 
There are no clues, as normally given with these puzzles, other than a scattering of a few, carefully selected specific numbers and thickened cell walls, a black one indicating the beginning or end of a word or phrase, a red one showing where a space, or hyphen may occur.

The crossword's construction and solution is based on the words' isomorphic
The WordsWorth  PC program and Compendium are eminently suited to both objectives and though the construction required much painstaking effort, its solution is more easily achieved by its use.
Is there anyone who can solve this puzzle without the use of WordsWorth?

All the words required to complete this Crossword Puzzle are to be found in major standard English Dictionaries. Of the 49 words in total, 20 will be automatically filled in by entering the main 29 words, of which 28 are found, with 16 in both, in Webster’s Third edition and Chambers, the odd one being found in the Concise OED.

The Clueless Crossword Puzzle

Note: Readers struggling to complete the Clueless Crossword may wish to e-mail me for the answers! 

More references to Word Puzzles can be found in Ted Clarke's new book "HOW THICK IS A SHADOW?"


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