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What is an Anagram?

A word or phrase spelled by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase.
Read letters out of order to discover a hidden meaning.

The WordsWorth Compendium Software can provide all the possible anagrams of any number of letters up to 18 letters long.

Search for Anagrams of a Word or Phrase.
Inputting a string of letters triggers off a search for words, having that number of letters, which are anagrams of the string. 
The results are not restricted to single words of such length; many phrases are also found which contain the same number of letters in total. 
As an example, the alphword AEMNORSTY will find not only MONASTERY and OYSTER-MAN but also ARMY NOTES and YET NO ARMS among the 39 results displayed. 

This example also shows one other feature adopted by the Compendium; the use of uppercase (capital ) letters for all database entries. The reason for this is two-fold; to maintain true alphabetical order between common and proper names, 
e.g. Phoenix and phoenix, as well as the duplication of such words. 
The input of all alphabetic lowercase characters in any of the
options will be automatically be converted to uppercase.

More references to Anagrams can be found in Ted Clarke's new book "HOW THICK IS A SHADOW?"


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